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  • School Profile

    School Profile

    At Malcolm Tweddle School, we provide the opportunity for all students to achieve excellence in learning, develop a strong positive sense of self-worth and cultivate good work habits, attitudes, and social skills. We will promote success by providing a safe and caring environment that is positive, stimulating and cohesive for students, parents, community members and staff. We believe we can assist children in becoming responsible and cooperative citizens who are prepared to lead productive lives together with people of all races, religions and nationalities. We will provide all students the opportunity to achieve to their level of ability through excellent instruction, quality resources and collaborative community efforts.

    Malcolm Tweddle School provides regular programming for Kindergarten to Grade 6 and is a District site for the Cogito alternative program for grades 4 - 6.

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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy



    Malcolm Tweddle School encourages and supports all children in pursuit of their fullest learning potential. We are committed to providing opportunities for children to achieve at their highest level of academic, creative and life skills abilities. We believe this is best accomplished in an enriched environment that is safe, secure, stable and nurtures respect for each other and a love of learning. Success, in reaching each student's learning potential, requires the teamwork of students, staff, parents and community, and a committed partnership between home and school.



    Supporting the Vision, Mission and Priorities are the District’s cornerstone values of accountability, collaboration, equity and integrity.

     Our School Plan fits within the Edmonton Public School District’s work to fulfill our Mission and achieve our Vision. The District’s Priorities for 2018—2022 are:

    1. Foster growth and success for every student by supporting their journey from early learning through high school completion and beyond.

    2. Provide welcoming, high quality learning and working environments.

    3. Enhance public education through communication, engagement and partnerships.


    Student Rights and Responsibilities

    Please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities 2018-19‌ document.


    At Malcolm Tweddle,  we will continue our focus on literacy and numeracy,utilize inclusive practices for success for all learners, and we will have a school-wide focus on comprehensive school health and the development of leadership skills.

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  • Clubs & Activities

    Clubs & Activities

    We value student involvement in our school and encourage students to participate as much as possible in school activities. Although grade restrictions may apply in some areas, we have activities for everyone. Involvement provides opportunities for students to accept and demonstrate responsibility. A variety of extracurricular opportunities will be offered during the recess times and noon hour. Students who ordinarily go home for lunch will not be charged a fee to stay and eat at school if involved in a lunch-hour extra-curricular activity.

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  • Student Showcase

    Student Showcase

    Student Work

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Welcome to Malcolm Tweddle School! We are committed to ensuring all students receive high quality instruction and learning experiences. We take pride in being a student-centered school where children learn and grow in a caring, supportive and encouraging environment. Our goal is to foster attributes of caring and empathetic citizens in our classes, in our community and expanding to a global context.

We value our partnership with our parent community and work together to support the success of all our students. We are committed to effective communication between home and school. We encourage our parents to check SchoolZone daily to receive timely information. We believe in the importance of maintaining a respectful learning environment where a positive, effective working relationship is established.

Malcolm Tweddle School provides regular programming for Kindergarten to Grade 6 and is a  District site for the Cogito alternative program for grades 4 - 6. This year we welcome two new Interactions classrooms to our school. Interactions programming supports students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

We are committed to the District's cornerstone values of accountability, collaboration, equity and integrity.

If you are registering for Kindergarten or if you are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.



Principal's Message

It is an honour and a privilege to be principal of Malcolm Tweddle School.  On behalf of the staff at Malcolm Tweddle School, I would like to welcome you to another exciting school year.  We seek to provide a challenging curriculum with flexibility to meet the needs of each student.  We believe it is essential for our students to take responsibility for their learning and their behaviour if we expect them to assume responsibility as adults. Parents are viewed as vital partners in the educational process and as such share in the responsibility of fostering positive student attitudes for learning and good citizenship. Please work closely with us: together we can accomplish so much more.

In order to ensure your child has the very best education, it is important we keep the lines of communication open at all times. Education is truly a collaborative effort between the home and the school as you have valuable information that will assist in programming for your child.  We appreciate your input, your bouquets and your suggestions for change.

The 2024-2025 school year is going to be another great year at Malcolm Tweddle.

Eileen George



Join us at our open house!

Take the guesswork out of choosing a school and join us at an open house! It’s your chance to ask questions and meet our staff to learn more about our school.

COGITO OPEN HOUSE - February 7, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE - February 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Questions? Contact us at 780-462-3270.